Why I am Blogging and Quick Tips

Why am I blogging?

Well because, why not?  And I like to share.  Life is a struggle.  Being a parent can be a struggle.  Working and being a parent can make you feel like there's never enough time in the day to do any of it right.

So I'm sharing my struggles and the successes that I'm finding along the road to make it a bit more bearable.  Don't do the journey alone.

Cooking.  I love to cook.  Do I have time to do elaborate meals...only on weekends and IF my husband is around to help with the kids or I'm having an extra patient day where I can juggle kids and detailed cooking. So most meals I cook are easy and fast and I try for them to be healthy and delicious.

Budget.  I'm on a tight budget.  I shop at Aldi's most of the time.  The goal is to make $400 feed a family of four every month.  I walk into Aldi's with a quarter (for the cart), two kids, and a $100 bill. That's it.  I can't spend more if I don't bring more.  And we've got a solid routine.

Housework.  I hate housework.  It's the never ending cycle for reals!  I like a clean house, I'm less stressed if it's done but taking the time...eh.  But I'm finding routines and things to help me manage it.  And some of it is just simplifying.  And reducing the amount of stuff there is to deal with.

Quick Tips:

*Get bulk meat.  Freeze it with seasonings and marinades.  Makes life easier.
*Cooking the meat portion in your crockpot saves so much time.  I prefer tender, full flavor meat...great way to get that.
*Use a Christmas Lights timer.  If you are gone for a super long day and find that you've often burnt crock pot meals...and you are like me and don't have the super expensive crock pot that automatically goes to "warm" after so long.  Christmas lights timer.  Boom!  Cook for so long.  Turn off.  Have it kick back on within an hour of you getting home. Piping hot and never had time to get to room temperature either!

Those are some starters...I'll have more.


  1. Interested in your bulk freezing processes and your favorite Aldi products.


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